
Debugging complex errors and performance issues in your applications is made more powerful when you have complete context on what the customer was doing at the time they encountered the problem. Some of this can be captured with functionality like Breadcrumbs and/or custom data but identifying the user has a significant benefit as well.

Firstly, knowing the exact customer who encountered a specific problem gets you to the answer with greater speed. Without having to match time stamps across other tools or spend a lot of precious coding time digging through log files.

When a support ticket comes in, you usually have to go back and ask the customer for more information, such as OS, browser, time it happened, what they did and saw.

Doing it the Raygun way, simply enter the customer's email address in Raygun and see every session and issue they've experienced along with full diagnostic details.

Without Customers set up, all user information is anonymous. By utilizing Customer's capabilities, those anonymous users become known. Authenticated users of your application and profiles are created that monitor their full sessions in Real User Monitoring and any errors or crashes they've experienced in Crash Reporting.

To get the maximum benefit of Customers, the full Raygun platform offers the benefit of integrated data. This means Platform customers can enjoy full customer session information linked to crash reports. Helping you see the customer's journey leading up to the issue they experienced, alongside how many sessions were error or crash free.

List of users with Raygun Customers

Customers is available in most crash reporting providers and can be set up quickly and easily. We recommend you consider your company's privacy policy before implementing Customers for your application as you will be sending potentially sensitive information to us, used only to assist you in diagnosing issues in your codebase.

Check out our Privacy Policy if you have any concerns over Customers or contact us with your questions. This functionality is optional and is not default behavior, so consider what information you send to us.

It's one thing to know there was an error, but it's another thing to know exactly how many occurrences it had and how many individual users experienced it.

Unlike other crash reporting and error tracking tools who sample data, Raygun stores every error occurence. Achieving an accurate view of how many users were affected by a particular problem.

Firstly, priortizing issues based on how many occurrences an error has had is valuable. But it's not as valuable as how many users a particular issue affected. After all, an issue that occurred 10,000 times but affected 5 users is not as much of a priority as 5 errors that affected 10,000 people.

Rank errors by how many users were impacted and try to fix the biggest problems first.

Filtering by affected users

From the error diagnostics page, click through to view the specific customers that encountered this particular error. This will show you a list of the customers that were affected. If you have set up Customers correctly, clicking on a customer will bring up their profile information and show you other issues they have experienced alongside their customer sessions.

Each customer session is tracked using Real User Monitoring in order to show you the full session details and navigation path of individual users. This makes debugging and replication of an issue more efficient.

Viewing affected users

Errors and crashes are highlighted alongside the pageview. Click on the error group name to go straight through to the diagnostic details for that specific error.

Raygun also offers Breadcrumbs, which track events leading up to an error or crash. Different from page views in Real User Monitoring, these events show you clicks and loading events leading up to the issue being encountered.

Viewing affected users

You'll need to set up breadcrumbs with instructions available in each language provider's documentation that supports breadcrumb functionality.

Each authenticated user that you have identified in your app generates a customer profile in Raygun once they encounter and error or a user session is tracked. These profiles allow you to search for a user via email address.

Particularly handy when dealing with support tickets, this feature means you get to see details about the user, including the devices and operating systems they use, the sessions they've had and of course the problems they've experienced.

Say a VIP customer is having a bad time of things recently, or you want to investigate a particular problem that only one individual seems to be experiencing. Find the customer in Raygun, dive into the issue, and find the root cause in minutes, instead of the hours-long traditional debugging process using logs and incomplete information.

You can export customer data to CSV by clicking the download button in the Customers section. This will export the last 7 days of data from up to 20,000 customers, excluding anonymous customers.

You will receive an email with the CSV file once the export has been completed.