Raygun Deployments API

note: This API is now considered legacy and use of the new API is recommended. A high level guide to migrate to the new API can be found here.

POST https://app.raygun.com/deployments

The body of the message should be a JSON string with the following structure:

    apiKey: string,
    version: string,
    ownerName: string,
    emailAddress: string,
    comment: string,
    scmIdentifier: string,
    scmType: string,
    createdAt: ISO 8601 datetime


The API Key of your Raygun Application, found in Application settings.


The version of your Application that this deployment is releasing. Should be the same as the version string you use in your Raygun error reports.


The name of the person who is creating this deployment. Ideally should be a Raygun User. Default value is "".


The email address of the person who is creating this deployment. Ideally should be a Raygun User's email address. Default value is "".


The deployment notes. This will be parsed as Markdown. Default value is "".


The commit that this deployment was built off. For example, a commit hash if you are using GitHub. Default value is "".


The source control system you are using. Default value is "GitHub".

Valid types

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • BitBucket
  • AzureDevOps

The scmIdentifier and scmType properties are used to gather information about the changes made since your last deployment. This requires you to have a source control integration set up in Raygun. Head over to our Integrations documentation for the source control platforms we support and how you can integrate them in your app.


The date and time this deployment was released in ISO 8601 form. If this is omitted, we use the current time.

The response includes a JSON object with the following properties:

  • deploymentId: Unique identifier
  • url: Full URL to the newly created deployment
  • applicationUrl: Full URL to the application in Raygun

This endpoint can be accessed via HTTP Basic Auth or Token Authentication.

For Basic Auth, use your normal Raygun user credentials (email address and password).

For Token Auth, generate an External Authentication Token on the Raygun User Settings Page and add an authToken query string parameter to the URL. For instance, if your API token is 123ABC, the URL would be https://app.raygun.com/deployments?authToken=123ABC.