
note: This guide is now considered legacy and use of the new API is recommended. A high level guide to migrate to the new API can be found here.

Once you've setup your Heroku application, adding a webhook is easy.

Generate an External Auth Token for your build server to use from your Raygun User Settings page

Jump into your terminal/command line and navigate to your Heroku application and enter

heroku addons:create deployhooks:http --url=https://app.raygun.com/deployments/APPID/heroku?authToken=EXTERNALAUTHTOKEN

Replace APPID with the token from your Raygun Crash Reporting URL (https://app.raygun.com/crashreporting/12345) and replace _EXTERNALAUTHTOKEN_ with your external auth token.

Next time you push to Heroku, Raygun will be notifed about your change.