
note: This guide is now considered legacy and use of the new API is recommended. A high level guide to migrate to the new API can be found here.

Generate an External Auth Token for your build server to use from your Raygun User Settings page

Add this script somewhere your deployment process can use it:

    [string] $raygunAuthToken,
    [string] $raygunApiKey,
    [string] $version,
    [string] $ownerName,
    [string] $emailAddress,
    [string] $scmIdentifier,
    [string] $scmType,
    [string] $releaseNotes

Write-Debug "Adding deployment in Raygun"
$url = "https://app.raygun.com/deployments?authToken=" + $raygunAuthToken

$command = ConvertTo-Json @{
    apiKey = $raygunApiKey
    version = $version
    ownerName = $ownerName
    emailAddress = $emailAddress
    comment = $releaseNotes
    scmIdentifier = $scmIdentifier
    scmType = $scmType

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Body $command `
 -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' `
 -Method 'POST' `
 -Uri $url

if ($response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK) {
    Write-Debug "Added deployment in Raygun"
} else {
    Write-Host "Error received when adding deployment in Raygun: " $response.StatusCode " - " $response.StatusDescription

Call the deployment script after your release process is finished.

-raygunAuthToken   Your External Auth Token
-raygunApiKey      Your Application API Key
-version           The version of your application that you've just deployed
-ownerName         The name of the user who created this deployment
-scmIdentifier     The identifier of the commit that this release was built from.
-scmType           The source control system you are using. Default value is "GitHub".
                   Other options are "GitLab", "BitBucket", or "AzureDevOps"
-emailAddress      The email address of the user who created this deployment
                   (should be a raygun user)
-releaseNotes      The release notes for this deployment. Will be formatted as Markdown.