Local Docker Setup

A Raygun local environment, which offers only a subset of the features but can speed up local development, can be set up using a Docker image located at raygunowner/raygun-aspire-portal:latest. This allows for faster feedback loops, ease of testing error reporting, and integration into local services without depending on external networks.

note: Raygun local version only supports Crash Reporting.

To set up a local Raygun environment, follow these steps using the Docker Compose configuration provided below:

  1. Pull the required Docker images.
  2. Set up a connection to the Ollama AI model to enable AI Error Resolution.
  3. Run the following docker-compose YAML file, which can be started by running docker compose up in the terminal:
version: '3.8' 

    image: raygunowner/raygun-aspire-portal:latest
    container_name: raygun_local_dev
      - ConnectionStrings__Ollama=http://ollama-service:11434
      - "8080:8080"
    restart: always
      - ollama-service  # Ensure Ollama service starts before this container

    image: ollama/ollama:latest
    container_name: ollama_local_aier
    restart: always

The Raygun provider needs to be set up so that it switches between the local and production API endpoints depending on the environment.

For example, in C# using the Raygun4Net provider, this is how it can be configured:

// Add Raygun
RaygunClient raygunClient = new(new RaygunSettings()
    ApiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY",
    CatchUnhandledExceptions = true, // Enable to log all unhandled exceptions
    ApiEndpoint = app.Environment.IsDevelopment() ? new Uri("http://localhost:8080/Ingestion/Entries") : new Uri("https://api.raygun.com/entries")

Please note that the Raygun local version only supports Crash Reporting but not Real User Monitoring or Application Performance Monitoring.

The local version is based on the Raygun for Aspire system but removes the dependency on Aspire, requiring only Docker to run.

Raygun's local environment is open-source, and contributions are encouraged. If you want to contribute or explore the project further, check out the following repositories:

By contributing to these projects, you'll be helping to enhance Raygun's local and remote monitoring capabilities.