Amazon SQS

note: To use this integration, you will need to be on a Team plan or higher. Read about upgrading here.

  1. Click "Integrations" from the Raygun sidebar and select Amazon SQS.

  2. Click the "Setup" tab and follow the on-screen instructions to enter the SQS Queue URL, access key, secret key, and the region code your queue is hosted in. A table of valid region codes are listed below.

tip: We strongly recommend creating a unique IAM user account for this integration with access rights to the queues you are going to publish to via Raygun.

Amazon SQS set up

Notifications will be sent when the following conditions are met:

  • A new error has occured
  • Error reoccured after being resolved or ignored
  • Error still occuring 1, 5, 10, 30, 60 minute/s later

USEast1 US East (N. Virginia)
USWest1 US West (N. California)
USWest2 US West (Oregon)
EUWest1 EU (Ireland)
SAEast1 South America (São Paulo)
APSoutheast1 Asia Pacific (Singapore)
APSoutheast2 Asia Pacific (Sydney)
APNortheast1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

Payloads that are submitted to SQS will be in the following JSON format

  "CrashReportingNotification": {
    "NotificationInfo": {
      "Type": "NewErrorOccurred", // see Notifications section above for the valid range of codes supplied
      "Message": "A new error has been reported for Mindscape Website, the error was document.width is not a function"
    "Application": {
      "Name": "Mindscape Website",
      "Url": ""
    "Group": {
      "Title": "document.width is not a function",
      "Url": "",
      "FirstOccurredOn": "2015-09-06T02:14:48Z",
      "Count": 19530, // refers to the total number of occurrences of this error seen across all time
      "RecentRate": 123.45, // refers to the current rate of errors over the last minute
      "RecentTrend": "Increasing" // indicates if RecentRage is increasing or decreasing
    "Error": {
      "OccurredOn": "2016-08-10T22:14:07.8771382Z",
      "Url": "",
      "Details": { // this section contains a copy of the full payload data that was submitted to Raygun
        "Error": {
          "ClassName": "TypeError",
          "Message": "document.width is not a function",
          "StackTrace": [
              "LineNumber": 1,
              "ColumnNumber": 98012,
              "ClassName": "line 1, column 98012",
              "FileName": "",
              "MethodName": "at "
              "LineNumber": 1,
              "ColumnNumber": 254,
              "ClassName": "line 1, column 254",
              "FileName": "",
              "MethodName": "b"
              "LineNumber": 1,
              "ColumnNumber": 37420,
              "ClassName": "line 1, column 37420",
              "FileName": "",
              "MethodName": "dispatch"
              "LineNumber": 1,
              "ColumnNumber": 33299,
              "ClassName": "line 1, column 33299",
              "FileName": "",
              "MethodName": "i"
        "Environment": {
          "UtcOffset": -4,
          "Browser-Width": 1904,
          "Browser-Height": 924,
          "Screen-Width": 1920,
          "Screen-Height": 1080,
          "Color-Depth": 24,
          "Browser": "Mozilla",
          "Browser-Name": "Netscape",
          "Browser-Version": "5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36",
          "Platform": "Win32"
        "Client": {
          "Name": "raygun-js",
          "Version": "2.1.0"
        "UserCustomData": {},
        "Tags": [],
        "Request": {
          "Url": "",
          "QueryString": {},
          "Headers": {
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36",
            "Referer": "",
            "Host": ""
        "Version": "",
        "User": {
          "Identifier": "testing-identifier",
          "IsAnonymous": true,
          "UUID": "testing-user"