Building frictionless e-commerce experience with learnings from over a decade of using Raygun
Energia Group is the longest-standing supplier of 100% green electricity on the island of Ireland. With 14 operational onshore wind farms, multiple more wind projects in development, including 2 offshore windfarms together with solar, battery storage, and hydrogen projects, the Group is leading the renewables charge in Ireland.
Energia Group, which consists of retail brands Energia and Power NI, supplies 20% of electricity demand on the island of Ireland to over 820,000 homes and businesses, helping their customers reduce their impact on the environment and lead a more sustainable life.
Since early 2020, Energia has relied on Raygun to provide visibility into the health of their software, so that they can deliver world-class digital experiences for their customers.
“Three years ago, we were launching a new website before lockdown and found it was much slower than the previous version. Early on, it was just an opinion as we didn’t have the data to back up our claim. We had to go to our existing analytics solution – our only analytics software, and we knew it wasn't giving us the full story. It was a really tricky situation, but eventually, we made a big call to roll back this new piece of software that people had spent a long time developing based on pretty weak anecdotes and data.”
“We knew we needed a better solution and did some research before eventually coming across Raygun. It has since done a wonderful job at telling us how our website and application are actually performing in the hands of our users. By using Raygun, our developer was able to pinpoint the root cause of the slow speed and found that it was caused by a lot of old bogus code and redundant tags. With the information found in Raygun, they were able to clean up the code, making the website much smoother when we relaunched, improving the load time by three and a half seconds.”
“Raygun was like a little window into our code”
Since this initial success, Energia hasn’t looked back, continuing to deliver the fast, error-free experiences that their customers deserve.
"The RUM (Real User Monitoring) and Crash Reporting products have been rolled out across both of our retail brands over multiple web applications within the Energia Group portfolio."
“Companies that offer a next-level web experience can attract and retain customers better than those who don't. People stick with companies that offer better experiences.”
"Strategically, offering an optimal user experience online is our goal."
“Tangibly, this means minimizing the calls to our care and operations team and receiving fewer complaints from customers overall. We want customers to have a fast and enjoyable experience when visiting our websites. They've come to us with an objective, and they need to be able to do what they're looking to do because everyone's busy. If customers are calling in and complaining, we know we're not doing a good job.”
Energia is also well aware of the fact that their development team would much rather spend their days building great software instead of responding to support requests and finding bugs.
“Digital experience impacts not only our customers, but other stakeholders such as investors and employees. It's difficult to acquire and retain staff and having a best-class user experience makes people want to stick around.”
Having a culture that prioritizes the customer experience sets Energia apart from their competitors. They know that while developers may be the ones fixing the issues, everyone throughout the business should care about how their software is performing in the hands of their users.
“There's a good awareness of Raygun amongst the wider team. Even if everyone's not using it, they know to come to either me or somebody else to look into an issue. This keeps everyone accountable for the quality of our software and ensures that our users are getting the best experience possible.”
“With conversion rate optimization on websites, speed is a huge contributor. It impacts our SEO as Google will penalize slow websites and poor services. This helps us to connect speed and errors in our software to our broader business goals and objectives.“
“We have a much better handle on all of our websites now, with better visibility and transparency over how the sites are doing over a period of time. I find the report and dashboard quite useful so that I can see all our KPIs at a glance.”
“The other day, I got an alert that the speed on one of our websites was incredibly slow – like six or seven seconds average load time. With Raygun, I was able to drill down and see that a bunch of uncompressed images had been uploaded that were five megabytes or so. I was able to easily pinpoint all of the content that had to be re-sized, and quickly deployed a fix. Similarly, Raygun also provides us with more detail in how the backend of our sites are performing, giving us detail on server-related errors, something that standard analytics tools cannot do.”
"Raygun gives us better control, visibility, and knowledge into what's going on in our software."
“Our business is very transactional, with a large amount of revenue coming directly through a couple of our websites. Having a stable website is crucial for offering our customers the best online experience that is quick, easy, and error-free. We typically don't have many issues on the payments front because Raygun helps us to keep our retail business stable, which is really important.
“We have now rolled Raygun out across all of our different properties across the group. We work closely with our sister brand in the North of Ireland, Power NI, which has also adopted Raygun. Once we rolled out Raygun on our five or six websites, they also implemented it into their front-end websites and the back-end of their two key websites.”
"We've shared our learnings and insights found in Raygun for the greater good of the business."
“I honestly believe that having a good app with a great digital experience adds huge value to our business, to benefit both our ROI and ultimately serve our customers with the best experience possible”
Raygun is proud to continue supporting Energia Group in creating a greener future for the next generation.
Want to try Raygun for yourself? Sign up for your free trial today, with unlimited monitoring for 14 days.