Real User Monitoring Feature Requests


Option to disable grouping for RUM paths Created by Rich Lane  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Have apm agent as a background process of app rather than needing to install on the server ahead of time (for .net core apps) Created by darcythomas  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote

+1 Integration Created by yonib05  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Display RUM data by subdomain as well as domain without having to change grouping rules. Created by Nick  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Filter By UserName Created by lq  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Make the colors for latency, transfer, rendering consistent across the page (site) Created by darcythomas  Status: New  Raygun responses: 1 1 vote


1 vote


Additional filters for Real User Monitoring Created by Zheng Li  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Track user sessions across subdomains Created by bgx  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


RUM: show slowes requests Created by Marc Schöchlin  Status: New  Raygun responses: 1 1 vote


1 vote


Subdomain wildcarding Created by Martin Massé  Status: Completed  Raygun responses: 1


Tell me the users with the slowest times Created by Zheng Li  Status: Completed  Raygun responses: 1


Most requested "Ajax Api" calls Created by Martin Massé  Status: Completed  Raygun responses: 1


Search Pulse by by userId Created by isurfbecause  Status: Completed  Raygun responses: 1


Web API to retrieve our Pulse Data Created by Thierry  Status: Completed  Raygun responses: 1


Break Out "Children" to identify laggy assets Created by Jordan  Status: Completed  Raygun responses: 1