APM Feature Requests


Profiling .NET apps on Linux Created by Deleted User  Status: Planned  Raygun responses: 0 18 votes


18 votes


Automatically update APM agent Created by fujiiface  Status: Planned  Raygun responses: 2 12 votes


12 votes


APM for .NET 5 Created by Raybever  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 7 votes


7 votes


Breakdown per server/host Created by gregpakes  Status: New  Raygun responses: 1 5 votes


5 votes


Configuration per application, not application pool Created by gregpakes  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 4 votes


4 votes


Relative timeframe filtering similar to AWS CloudWatch Created by Phillip  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 4 votes


4 votes


Breakdown by version number Created by gregpakes  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 3 votes


3 votes


Add monitoring of application pool metrics (CPU% memory usage) Created by rangler2  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


APM trace detail of Errors Created by rangler2  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Add option to randomize user identifiers, if they are emails Created by bgx  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Use web.config to setup monitoring Created by gregpakes  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


APM for Blazor Server websites Created by Raybever  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Export Core Web Vital report to highlight which URLs are performing best/worst Created by Stephen Morgan  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Add support for ARM architecture Created by dlredden  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Add support for nHibernate query detection Created by chris  Status: Planned  Raygun responses: 1 1 vote


1 vote
