Crash Reporting Feature Requests


Environment aware applications Created by wiifm  Status: New  Raygun responses: 3 127 votes


127 votes


logging feature Created by lb55  Status: Planned  Raygun responses: 1 96 votes


96 votes


Integration: Import exception into TFS Created by John-Daniel Trask  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 69 votes


69 votes


Can we add two more statues i.e. InProgress and OnHold? Created by  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 52 votes


52 votes


Datadog Integration Created by Michael  Status: Planned  Raygun responses: 2 39 votes


39 votes


Include attachment files with report Created by Andreas  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 37 votes


37 votes


Unmerge errors in groups Created by kpax  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 37 votes


37 votes


Add Errors Over Threshold Alerts Created by Matt  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 32 votes


32 votes


Ignore errors based on regex Created by Stefan Kip  Status: Will not add  Raygun responses: 1 28 votes


28 votes


Unmerge merged error groups Created by  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 27 votes


27 votes


API endpoint for creating applications Created by Stefan Kip  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 26 votes


26 votes


Configurable threshold where RayGun stops retaining messages Created by steve  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 24 votes


24 votes


"possible similar errors" tab Created by Phillip Haydon  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 22 votes


22 votes


Ability to delete your account Created by B  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 21 votes


21 votes


Grafana integration Created by mohfaz  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 20 votes


20 votes
