Raygun Feature Request

Feature Request

APM trace detail of Errors

Current Status:






On the APM trace there is a section at the top that may say e.g. "8 errors" , a red line around methods that caused errors, but no way of seeing what those errors were.

I thought perhaps they relate to crash reports collected by Raygun seperately but if so I don't know how I would identify which ones.

It looks like in the raw data this is simply an error count. The glossary says "An error is an exception that Raygun APM has recorded but has not been sent to Raygun Crash Reporting." why would that be, if an app is configured to send all unhandled exceptions to Raygun?

Anyway it is fairly unhelpful being just a count - it would be most useful if (a) there are crash reports in Raygun it could link to them or (b) if not , or as a fallback , could you capture say the file and line number and exception Message, if not the whole stack trace, and surface it within the APM trace?

Thanks Andy

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