Real User Monitoring Feature Requests


Show assignee person in error view Created by Havunen  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Surface the payload size of assets/xhr calls Created by Zheng Li  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Real User Monitoring: Use time as comparison dimension Created by Marc Schöchlin  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Export Users by Geo Created by Nara C  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


extract performance data by filtering Created by Dongho Kim  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Session Playback Created by psizer10  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


RUM for Xamarin Forms: enable sorting and distribution diagrams for network calls Created by Tobias  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Global Inbound Filter for Crash Report Created by Nick  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 2 votes


2 votes


Event-tracking Created by tsunamiasparagusvoyager1  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Real user monitoring for Unity Created by 7lc  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Send granular email report about slow pages Created by manish.jangir  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Add support for Flutter in Real User Monitoring Created by lm  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Test suggestion Created by hamish  Status: New  Raygun responses: 0 1 vote


1 vote


Add "Versions" tab to JavaScript apps under RUM Created by hortamas  Status: New  Raygun responses: 1 1 vote


1 vote
