Raygun Feature Request

Feature Request

Show all errors for a user

Current Status:




Would like to be able to see all crash reports that have come from a specific user.



John-Daniel Trask

Posted on
Jun 21 2017

You can do this today (and for the last few years!).

If you're identifying your users, click on "Users" in the app's left side bar, and you'll see all users. Click on the user you're interested (or search for them) and you'll see all errors that the user has experienced.

If you're not identifying users yet, here's the example docs for JavaScript (though all language SDK's include support): https://raygun.com/docs/languages/javascript

More details about user tracking in general: https://raygun.com/docs/workflow/user-tracking

I hope that helps!



Deleted User

Posted on
Jun 21 2017

Further to that, you might just be missing the date selection.

  1. Go to your Raygun application and select "Users" from the left navigation.
  2. Search for the user you are interested in seeing the errors for
  3. Change the date range using the date selector to 6 months
  4. Select the user to go to the user details page

At the bottom of the user details page it will show all errors for the selected user for all time.