Raygun Feature Request

Feature Request

Exclude ignored issues from daily digest

Current Status:




We have some issues set to be permanently ignored which keep storing data of new occurrences (as intended). We've done this in order to get some notifications "out of our way" without losing information which could be quite insightful at some later time.

Unfortunately those issues are still included in the daily digest (total numbers & listing of occurred issues). Since we'd like them to be "out of our way" for now, this is somewhat counterproductive.

We'd really appreciate if you could either exclude ignored issues from the daily digest at all or at least introduce some new option which lets us decide on whether we'd like them to be reported or not.

Thanks & best regards

Ps.: I've already posted this feature request some times ago but just realized that I placed it in the wrong forum. For the sake of completeness I'm also creating this feature request in the correct forum now...



Deleted User

Posted on
Apr 10 2017

Hi there,

This change has been made and is now live. Ignored and permanently ignored errors will no longer be displayed in the Error daily digest.

Regards, Jeremy.