Raygun Feature Request

Feature Request

Dashboard Graph Filtering by tags and custom data

Current Status:



Alex Webber

Currently you can only search by tag and custom data which is useful for finding specific bugs.

However it would be awesome to be able to filter the dashboard graph by, at least, tags so that you can see which areas of your application are causing the most errors. This would also able us to form error baselines per application area.


James Wells

Posted on
Jun 27 2014

I think I am after the same thing... would be nice to see the Dashboard Graph above a searched result set. ie. search for 'Database Exception' would allow me to see graph data for all database exceptions.



Posted on
Dec 17 2014

+1 I'd like to visualize exceptions by client. Currently I can't even export the events to visualize them myself.



John-Daniel Trask

Posted on
Feb 13 2015

Hi Folks,

You can now filter by tag! Just hit the filter button that's below the chart, on the right.

We haven't done custom data filtering because we've allowed folks to send complex objects as custom data (nested data structures essentially) which makes it a real challenge to filter that nicely (both in the UI and actually in running the query). The tags are a key value pair and therefore the UI & querying works great - please use that if you wish to filter.

What gets filtered

  1. The chart data
  2. The error groups (must have at least 1 instance with that tag)
  3. The error counts on the dashboard

Drilling in on an error group, once filtered will...

  1. Pass through the filters applied, including the tag
  2. Only show the error instances that match the filter criteria
  3. Only do roll up data (affected users, browsers, counts) that match the filter criteria.

The UI for the filtering uses an auto-complete text box as some users have a lot of tags. Once you start typing, click the item you wanted to filter on and apply.

I hope that helps, thanks for the suggestion - it's very powerful and we've found it super helpful ourselves.

John-Daniel Trask



Posted on
Dec 19 2018

I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, but I don't see any dashboard graph filtering of the kid described by John-Daniel Trask. This is still a feature that would be crucial for us.



Zheng Li

Posted on
Dec 19 2018

Hi Charlesm,

John-Daniel's post is about the Crash Reporting dashboard (Sidebar of your app > Crash Reporting). The filters in the Crash Reporting dashboard allows you to filter error groups. See docs here: https://raygun.com/docs/workflow/filtering-error-groups

You might be thinking of your custom dashboard (https://raygun.com/docs/workflow/dashboards), which allows you to build a dashboard from all Raygun products and across all of your apps. Currently there is no way to filter tiles on the custom dashboard, however work is already in progress to add filters to custom dashboards in early 2019, so it shouldn't be too far away.

Hope that helps to explain what you are seeing in the app.



Ryan Schubert

Posted on
May 04 2023


I am trying to filter my custom dashboard using Tags. I see you mentioned this functionality should have been made available in 2019, but I don't see any way to do so. Is this possible?

Thanks, Ryan




Posted on
May 07 2023

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We currently only support filtering by error status.

Please refer to this documentation here on how to filter Crash Reporting tiles within Dashboards - https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/dashboards/#filtering-tiles-by-error-status

I suggest creating a new feature request in this forum to filter by tag in order to get it prioritised against our Product roadmap.

If you need any additional help, don't hesitate to reach out!

Kind regards,
