Feature Request
Adding user information to the Summary page
Current Status:
When you're on the Error Details summary page at dashboard/{dashboard-id}/errors/{error-id}
The AUTH_USER value should be displayed on the summary
John-Daniel Trask
Posted on
Dec 11 2013
Rather than rely on AUTH_USER, we've added user tracking to the Raygun Client. Look for a setUser() method on the RaygunClient itself.
The reasoning for this is that we're taking user tracking a lot further with time. We also support more than just web apps, so having a first class way to identify the user was important.
When you create a RaygunClient, just set it then. No need to set it every time you do a send then. The user is then identified on the summary page of the error report.
I hope that helps,
John-Daniel Trask
Mindscape Limited