Raygun Feature Request

Feature Request

Support URL grouping by parameters

Current Status:



Zheng Li

From Risto:

"Our application is using the PHP yii framework so all the urls are in the form of: subdomain.site.com/admin/index.php?r=controllerName/actionName&param1&param2... or subdomain.site.com/index.php?r=controllerName/actionName&param1&param2...

If we could group them in addition to the domain name that you already support by controllerName/actionName somehow that would do the trick for us. We do not care about the additional request parameters in the url after the & sign. Right now all are being grouped subdoimain.site.com/index.php or subdomain.site.com/admin/index.php

All pages have unique controller and action and all ajax queries use the same form, so getting info based on that would be totally awesome as we could actually see then what is being used and how much + how is the experience for each page/action taken. If anything fails we get that from using Raygun crash reporting already with full params and we really love that solution, but we would love to use Pulse as well."



Posted on
Aug 25 2016

Hi there,

Pulse can group URLs by parameters. You can read more here: https://raygun.com/docs/pulse/path-segment-rules

The 'Grouping URLs' option in the Pulse settings sounds like it suits the scenario above nicely.

Thanks for posting the feature request and suggestions!

Kind regards,




Posted on
Sep 21 2016

Hey, Do the path segment rules affect ajax calls as well? I tried to set them up with no luck. So am I using the syntax wrong or is this not supported?



Posted on
Sep 21 2016

They should indeed do - I'm sending you a ticket so we can get to the bottom of why it's not working (should be in your email soon).