Feature Request
GET 'List error groups for an application' endpoint should be able to return tags
I’m able to use the ‘Get error group by identifier’ to see when the last occurrence of an error occurred; however, I need to be able to view the tags of the last occurrence. Please consider adding this in a future update to your Raygun REST API.
For example: 2024-11-19 09:55:42,731 INFO GET https://api.raygun.com/v3/applications/ddddddd/error-groups?count=10&orderby=lastOccurredAt desc
2024-11-19 09:55:43,311 StatusCode: OK
[ { "identifier": "2k2dbct6", "applicationIdentifier": "ddddddd", "message": "RaygunLogger+GeneralError", "status": "active", "lastOccurredAt": "2024-11-19T14:55:04Z", "createdAt": "2024-03-15T21:16:41Z", "resolvedIn": null, "discardNewOccurrences": false, "applicationUrl": "https://app.raygun.com/crashreporting/ddddddd/errors/201224218650" }
The enhancement would be for the response to include the tags in the object (json) returned.