Raygun Feature Request

Feature Request

Sourcemap support for previous app versions

Current Status:

Will not add





According to Raygun Support, sourcemap error processing requires the corresponding app to be online. This means that as soon as a new version of an app is released, it is no longer possible to decode any of the logged errors in Raygun using sourcemaps. This makes the entire historical error log useless. Yet, it would be an easy fix to support references to uploaded files as well as live URLs. That way the entire error log could be utilised, throughout the lifecycle of an application.



John-Daniel Trask

Posted on
Sep 18 2019


Unfortunately this isn't something we can do. Source maps do not have a versioning system as part of their specification.

What you can do to achieve this however is:

  1. Version your files (many script combiners will do this implicitly with a file name that includes a hash)
  2. Include the reference to the source map in the JS file
  3. Ensure the source map has the same version hash in the file name

This way, when we proceed to process the source map, the file name lookup will match the older version and achieve what you need. It's a bit hacky since it uses filenames, but that's because there is no concept of a 'version' of a JavaScript or Source Map file.

I hope that helps, and if you need further assistance, I'd be happy to connect you with one of our team to help you achieve this outcome.

Kind regards,

John-Daniel Trask



Posted on
Sep 21 2019

We have solved it by simply including the version in the file names: for example we have the minified JS file, app.webos7.5.0.min.js, and the corresponding sourcemap, HBOCTV7.5.0webosprod.min.map. This way the files can easily be associated with the right one.

Compared to how the sourcemap center works today, the only modification I am suggesting is that instead of giving a URL as file reference, it should also be possible to give a path to an uploaded file.

At least for us, that would be enough. The live version would have a URL as file reference, and old versions would have a path to an uploaded file as reference instead. You could have a limit on how many old versions you are allowed to store, to avoid using up too much storage space.



Posted on
Jul 28 2021

I'm kind of surprised by this. I use React Native, and I'm looking for an alternative for Sentry. App builds have a semver version. This version is known to the app. With raygun I have to manually supply the version to the initializer but I digress.

The version that could be combined with the crash report can easily become a label for an uploaded sourcemap. This can then be used to (permanently) combine sourcemaps to crash reports.

This is how most other crash reporters do it, why would Raygun not create categories for releases?