Referenced assembly 'Mindscape.Raygun4Net' does not have a strong name


Posted on
Jun 16 2014

I have added your assembly to my project but the assembly is not strong named. Is there a plan to strong name it? Or do I have to always do a manual workaround?

Jason Fauchelle


Posted on
Jun 17 2014

Hello Greg

We provide both signed and unsigned versions of Raygun4Net. You'll find the strong named version in NuGet here:

Or you can get the dlls from the latest release listed on GitHub: Each release has a green button to download a zip of all the dlls. The strong named version can be found in the signed folder which targets .Net3.5. The folders within the signed folder have the .Net2.0 and .Net4.0 versions.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

-Jason Fauchelle


Posted on
Jan 18 2018

It looks like 5.5.3 was not published to nuget for Mindscape.Raygun4Net.Signed, though it was for Mindscape.Raygun4Net

Jason Fauchelle


Posted on
Jan 18 2018

Hi fscwiet,

Apologies for the confusion. Version 5.5.3 only affects the Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android platforms, nothing related to the signed support. Version 5.5.2 is the latest update of the signed assemblies, so you are not missing out on anything.

Let me know if you have further questions about this.

-Jason Fauchelle
