Delete Application


Posted on
Nov 10 2016


I have recently ended a support contract for an app which has built in Raygun exception reporting. As I no longer require the reporting now I am looking to delete the application from the Raygun site. Before I do so however I just wanted to make 100% sure that the application (which is still in use with the Raygun compnents active) will not suffer any effects because it can no longer connect to the Raygun site?



Deleted User


Posted on
Nov 10 2016

Hi Mike,

If you delete an application that is still receiving errors then all that will happen is our API will start rejecting the errors due to the API key being invalid. This shouldn't have any side effects to the application however we would recommend at least removing the API key from the application configuration. This will stop the Raygun provider from sending any errors to the API.

Regards, Jeremy
