Only getting Errors from MVC Project, not from the Class Library!
Posted on
Jan 31 2014
Hey there!
I've setup Raygun to work with my .NET MVC/WebAPI Application. This works great so far, for errors that occur inside this project. Errors that occur inside the Class Library are not being tracked.
I've added the Application_Error() Stuff inside my Global.asax What am i missing, to also be able to track the errors from the Class Lib?
John-Daniel Trask
Posted on
Feb 01 2014
How are you calling the class library? Class libraries are always called from other parts of your code base (e.g. your MVC app is using it I guess?). Therefore, if an error occurs in the class library, and an exception is thrown, it should still be caught by the MVC applications global exception event.
Perhaps there is something specific going wrong? If it's possible, can you tell me a little more about your setup? If it's easy enough to reproduce, perhaps you could send me a repro at
Something a little funny must be happening if you're not seeing them reported just from your class library. We've had no trouble with class libraries being referenced from web applications we run, so I'm curious to see what's different for you.
Kind regards,
John-Daniel Trask
Mindscape Limited