How to set User and Version When using the Module


Posted on
Aug 18 2015

I am using the Modle aporach so I have no custom code in my project for Raygun yet.

I wish to set details such as the version and user.

How can I do this as it says use an instance of the RayGunClient but at what point do I set these?



Jason Fauchelle


Posted on
Aug 19 2015

Hi John,

When using the module approach, you can provide your own RaygunClient instance to the module for it to use to send reports to Raygun. Here is the documentation to do this:

You can then set properties on your RaygunClient instance wherever you want, and the module will use those options you set whenever it sends a report. For example, set the UserInfo when a user logs in. Or set the version in Application_Start. Note that if it's easier, you could alternatively set the applicationVersion of RaygunSettings in web.config. There are docs to do this here:

Let me know if you have further questions about any of this.

-Jason Fauchelle
