native crash reporting in Xamarin


Posted on
Sep 29 2022

I found a very old blog post ( that references the ability to capture Native and Managed crashes in iOS. But the current docs don't mention this ability. Is this feature still available?

Is there any similar feature available for Android?

We are currently logging a large number of native crashes in the Play Store console, but are unable to capture them in Raygun, which really inhibits our ability to track them down and fix them.



Posted on
Oct 03 2022

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us and being patient whilst we get back to you with a response!

The blog post you're taking a look into is in reference to an old provider for Xamarin ( which indeed does support Native and Managed crashes in iOS. However, that old provider for Xamarin only supports projects in .NET framework (which if you've moved on from, won't be an option for you).

Our dedicated Raygun4Xamarin.Forms ( provider doesn't seem to have support for Native crashes in iOS, unfortunately. It's unable to track exceptions that occur within the native iOS layer unless that exception bubbles back up to the C# Xamarin layer. The exception which originated from the iOS layer, the iOS component of the stack trace will be unavailable.

I can take a look to see if this is an active feature request, otherwise, I'm happy to pass this on as a feature request onto our Product team.

We also don't currently have native Android support in either of the Xamarin providers, therefore, this would be another feature request.

Kind regards,




Posted on
Oct 03 2022

Hi there,

I've created a feature request thread about this regression. Feel free to give this a vote to help with moving it up the priority list on Product teams end -

Kind regards,

