Sourcemap support for non JS language sources


Posted on
Aug 03 2022

I'm currently using Raygun with our apps Flutter web build and it works very well, thank you! ????

But Flutter web release builds produce minified JS which currently gives not very useful stack traces in Raygun for the Flutter web app.

Raygun's documentation outlines support for sourcemaps so I was hoping to use it with Flutter web as currently Flutter is perfectly able to produce a sourcemap. Because we don't want to make our sourcemap publicly available I attempted to upload the sourcemap to Raygun per the documentation but it seems to have no affect on the stack traces shown in Raygun.

According to the Raygun sourcemap docs, we need to upload the un-minified JS file as well as the sourcemap file, but this doesn't exist for Flutter as the sourcemap maps to Dart sources not JS.

I also filed this as an issue with raygun4flutter plugin ( but afterwards I realised that this maybe something more to do with how the Raygun backend service works rather than the client plugin.

So would anyone have any advice on how Raygun can work with sourcemaps for source languages other than JS?
