Chrome Extensions Not Sending Errors?


Posted on
Apr 23 2022


Im trying to integrate Raygun into our browser extension and for some reason its not sending errors. I have the exact same code running in a normal website and its sending just fine.

I dont have any inbound filters and I havent excluded any domains from the options in rg4js.. Its just a normal installation.

I am using ManifestV3 for my extension.

I have been watching the network tab and its not sending the event even tho doing the exact same thing does send the event in the web version.

Its almost as if raygunjs is excluding the chrome-extension:// protocol.. is that right?



Posted on
Apr 23 2022

hmm I found this in the source:

I traced it back tho and I think the issue is because the extension isnt initialized.

I will open an issue on github for this.
