No redirect to error page after successful (GitHub) login
Posted on
Feb 09 2018
Hi Raygun team,
I'm having an issue whenever a colleague is posting a link to a specific error on Raygun. When clicking this link, I'm always being redirected to the login page. Then, after successfully authenticating via Github, I'm always redirected to the dashboard instead of to the specific error.
Steps to reproduce:
- Go to
- Click on the GitHub button to login via your GitHub account
- Be redirected to your dashboard as expected (we have a session now)
- Click on a link posted from your colleague that links to a specific error, e.g. this one
- I'm being redirected to the login page again (even though 30 seconds ago I already authed via GitHub)
- Click on the Github button to login
Expected behavior: Be redirected to the specific error page of that link after successful login
Actual behavior: Being redirected to the dashboard after successful login
Things I've tried:
- different browsers: Firefox, Chrome
- different OS: Mac OS, Linux (Ubuntu)
- clearing browser cache + cookies
Other colleagues report the same issue.
This makes it really really hard collaborating on errors, because I manually need to find out which application & which error my colleague is refering too, which I then have to find in the errors list.
Thanks in advance for looking into this!
John-Daniel Trask
Posted on
Feb 10 2018
Hi Philipp,
Quick question: Where is your colleague getting that link from? I suspect the issue here is that we moved to .com being our primary domain, and you're authenticating against that but the link you're being provided is to .io (our old TLD, and therefore likely breaking the auth).
We shouldn't be linking with .io anywhere but perhaps we've missed a place, and perhaps you're colleague is still logging in with that domain (I'll talk to the engineering team about enforcing this, but I wanted to drop this reply as a quick note which might illuminate why you're getting hit up to login constantly).
I hope that helps,
John-Daniel Trask