Can you see tags on the main list of errors on any application


Posted on
Jan 31 2018

When we see our list of errors for any application. We are tagging important information to each error. And would be extremely useful for us to see which tags are associated to the error without having to open each error.

This might be a feature request. But feel it would really improve our workflow.


Posted on
Jan 31 2018

I know this is not quite what you're asking for, but another way to achieve this is to filter your error list by tag = important. From the error list, click on Add filter at the top and select Tags => is equal to => important

This will filter the list of error groups to those with an instance that is tagged important. When you drill into an error group, all instances will have the tag.


Posted on
Jan 31 2018

Yes - i use tags that way as well to filter. But looking at them at a glance would be very useful that way just looking at the error i could tell what tag it belongs to.
