Welcoming Scott Hanselman to Raygun’s Board

| 3 min. (484 words)

I’m proud to announce that prominent software industry veteran, Scott Hanselman, has joined the Raygun Board of Directors. We’re really fortunate to add Scott’s voice to our strategic decision-making, drawing from his unique expertise in building community and loyalty around technology.

Scott Hanselman

Scott shared one of the reasons why he joined the Raygun board:

“I love that JD (Raygun’s CEO) uses the word ‘delight’, because that’s the language that gets me excited. We want to be delighting our customers and making their lives better. As a board member, I want to provide value and make Raygun even better than it already is."

Raygun has had a professional relationship with Scott for a few years now - you’ve likely heard our adverts on his popular podcast, Hanselminutes. He’s not only one of tech’s brightest thinkers but also someone I have always personally admired for his creative and principled approach to software and its builders. It’s been a long time since I started learning from Scott’s blog in the early 2000’s!

Why Raygun?

Scott is a natural fit for the Board — he shares our vision to enhance how teams leverage technology for growth and efficiency. His curiosity and drive are highly compatible with how we operate at Raygun.

With Scott as a Director, we’ll benefit from his forward-thinking strategies and command of our market. His expertise will help to guide our product development and enhance our market strategy. We have our own views, and Scott brings a unique perspective from his long term service to this exciting industry.

On a past episode of Hanselminutes, Scott said:

“I first discovered Raygun and fell in love years ago. Raygun gives me the line of code and user information, telling me a user in this country or on this platform is having an issue, and I can go straight to the solution. It’s like having a support assistant and dedicated reliability engineer presenting clear bug reports, and it’s fantastic. I’ve been turning Raygun on all my projects by default.”

Scott’s career highlights

Scott Hanselman is a prolific podcaster, speaker, educator, and author with 30 years of programming experience. He currently works in Open Source on ASP.NET, and for the last 17 years, he’s at Microsoft the Vice President of Developer Community. Scott also held professorships at two state universities, co-authored multiple books, and hosted influential industry figures on more than 900 episodes of his podcast Hanselminutes.

Looking to the future

I look forward to Scott’s continued contributions to the discussion and direction of Raygun. I’m especially excited to welcome Scott as we head into a period of rapid market changes and evolution with AI. For all these reasons, I hope our team, partners, and customers will join me in welcoming Scott Hanselman to our Board.

Together, we’re gearing up to bring Raygun to new heights. We can see big opportunities, and with Scott’s guidance, I’m confident we’ll harness them.