Raygun and Java: Better error monitoring with Breadcrumbs and more

| 3 min. (538 words)

Raygun Crash Reporting has supported the Java Framework since we launched. As a Java customer, you’ve always been able to catch errors pre and post-production, receive alerts, and provide one source of truth for errors on your whole team.

Now, Raygun provides full feature support for Raygun4Java. Java customers now have access to all our favorite Raygun features, like Breadcrumbs, offline support, web service support, and sensitive data filtering.

If you need to set up Raygun4Java, go to our Java setup documentation.

This is a major version release so there are a few changes you’ll need to make. You can find out how to make the changes in the Raygun changelog.

Here are the improvements we’ve made.

Support for web apps with a ServletFilter

Raygun now provides an out-of-the-box ServletFilter. This filter does all the work around managing the Raygun client for web applications.

As well as setting up an easy to use static accessor, any unhandled exceptions will be caught and sent to Raygun.

With Breadcrumbs, you can attach an accurate trail of the events through your system leading up to the moment a crash report was generated. This helps to gain more insight into why the application crashed when it did, making prioritization of fixes much easier.

To set up Breadcrumbs for Java, see our documentation.

Screenshot showing Breadcrumbs for Java

Better automatic version support

Before the Raygun4java update, automatic version detection only checked the currently executing jar. Raygun will now find the version from war files and adds more options to ensure the correct version is recorded.

Read the GitHub docs for more information on version support for Java.

Screenshot showing Breadcrumbs for Java

Sensitive data filtering

We’ve streamlined the process for removing data from web requests so it’s easier to ensure that private customer data is not sent to Raygun. For example, if you have a web form that collects personally identifiable information like IDs or phone numbers, the latest updates to Raygun4Java have made it faster to configure the Raygun client to scrub the form, querystring, headers, and cookies fields before sending the error details to Raygun.

Read the Raygun documentation on GitHub for more on filtering. (link)

Offline storage

With offline storage, errors are captured while there is no internet connection. Error information is sent when the connection is restored.

Read about how Raygun’s offline crash report queuing feature works.

Easier to use, easier to customize

The new version of Raygun4Java has been written with a focus on the developers using it.

Firstly, we’ve focused on ease of use by adding factory classes with many easy-to-use options for out-of-the-box customization. The factory classes make sure you’ve got a Raygun client that is configured correctly every time with minimal effort.

Secondly, we’ve focused on developer customization—it’s now easier than ever to add your own behaviors to the RaygunClient.

Read the GitHub docs for how to customize the RaygunClient.

With Raygun4Java, we’ll continue to roll out new features as they are ready—follow us on Twitter for updates.

If you need to update or upgrade your plan, or have questions about Raygun4Java, contact sales.

Further reading