Blasting away our .io domain, introducing

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Many of you will have known us as Raygun since our inception several years ago and the domain and name has served us well during this time. Since acquiring the domain recently we’ve been working to ensure a smooth transition for users and cover off on the implications a domain change can bring. For the most part, the changes will be seamless and you should need to do anything differently except refer all your developer friends to rather than .io.

We’ve previously blogged about how Raygun came to be, how it got it’s name and how things were in the early days. You can also find out more about how we obtained the domain name, how that process played out and what the experience was like by listening to our CEO John-Daniel talk to Matt Kremer on his podcast.

Listen to MK 019: John-Daniel Trask – Time Traveling with Rayguns

If you do notice any issues or weird gremlins you may find due to the changeover in domain, we’d love to hear from you, but for now it should be business as usual. We hope you continue to blast away your error and performance issues with Raygun products, just under our new domain!