API update: Manage tracked deployments

| 3 min. (582 words)

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the latest endpoints for the Raygun API – Deployments. This new release allows developers to efficiently manage deployments, with increased flexibility and control over their Raygun platform.

Raygun’s Deployment Tracking feature has long been a cornerstone of our product, giving development teams visibility into the impact of new deployments on application performance and reliability. By keeping a close eye on errors, analyzing performance metrics, and recording version histories, Raygun Deployment Tracking enables teams to quickly identify and resolve any issues that arise following a new release. However, managing these deployments has required manual efforts and interventions - until now.

The new deployments endpoints allow for automated creation, update, and deletion of deployment data via the API, facilitating a smoother, more efficient workflow. If you’re a developer or in a role that deals with software implementation and provision, this feature is a game-changer. The granular insights provided are invaluable for maintaining high service quality, optimizing application performance, and ensuring customer satisfaction, making it perfect for teams working in fast-paced, agile environments.

July 24, ‘23 update: We’ve enhanced our Deployments API with two key improvements: Firstly, you now have the ability to clear all commits from a deployment by simply updating it to have no source control id. Additionally, we’ve introduced a new endpoint that enables the refreshing of commits on a deployment. These updates further streamline your deployment management process, providing you with even more control and flexibility.

How it works

Developers can manage deployments via the API by sending a request with the relevant details. Each deployment creation, update, or deletion operation is carried out instantly, and the related data is automatically reflected in your Raygun account.

New endpoints

Create Deployment: Use this endpoint to create a new deployment entry.

POST https://api.raygun.com/v3/applications/{applicationId}/deployments
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "ownerName": "John Doe",
    "emailAddress": "johndoe@yourcompany.com",
Create Deployment using API key (for backwards compatibility): For those who prefer the legacy approach, this endpoint allows creating a new deployment using the application API key.
POST https://api.raygun.com/v3/applications/api-key/{api-key}/deployments
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "ownerName": "John Doe",
    "emailAddress": "johndoe@yourcompany.com",
List All Deployments: This endpoint will return the details for all deployments for an application.
GET https://api.raygun.com/v3/applications/{applicationId}/deployments
Get Deployment: This endpoint will return details of a specific deployment.
GET https://api.raygun.com/v3/applications/{applicationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}
Update Deployment: Modify an existing deployment’s details with this endpoint.
PATCH https://api.raygun.com/v3/applications/{applicationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "ownerName": "John Doe",
    "emailAddress": "johndoe@yourcompany.com",
Delete Deployment: Delete a deployment entry using its unique identifier.
DELETE https://api.raygun.com/v3/applications/{applicationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}
If you’re entirely new to Raygun, you’ll need to set up your Raygun account before creating deployments via these new endpoints. For existing customers who already have an account, you have immediate access as Deployment Tracking is included with all Raygun plans and products at no additional cost.

Learn more about the Raygun API by visiting our documentation. For instructions on how to get started with the API, please visit the beta launch blog, or reach out to our team at support@raygun.com.

We’re on a mission to continually enhance the Raygun API, giving you greater control over your data. If you have any suggestions for what you’d like to see next, we’d love to hear from you. Simply contact us at hello@raygun.com to have your voice heard.

This release is a significant milestone, particularly for organizations with a high deployment cadence where assessing the impact of each deployment is crucial. Use these new endpoints to harness the power of deployments, streamline your deployment management workflow, and supercharge your application performance monitoring today!