Raygun Real User Monitoring introduces Slack and HipChat integrations

| 1 min. (212 words)

Raygun Real User Monitoring wants to keep you regularly updated on the health of your website. This way, especially if you are managing a project of a team of people, you’ll be able to set important benchmarks for measuring improvements made to your website performance. With the latest Raygun Real User Monitoring integrations, you’ll be able to opt to receive a daily performance notifications directly to a designated team chat room. These integrations were designed to keep you in the loop about important information like page load speed and session information.

The daily notification includes detailed information on the following performance indicators:

  • Overall website speed
  • Median load time
  • Number of users experiencing slow load times
  • Spread (5th-95th percentile)
  • Popular but slow pages
  • Popular but slow AJAX calls
  • Session information
  • User satisfaction average

Setting up the daily notifications takes just a few moments.

Here’s how to set up the Raygun Real User Monitoring integrations:

(Jump to the Slack or HipChat setup process.)



You are ready to go!

You are all set to receive daily notifications directly to your team chat software. Do you need any help or have any questions about our new Raygun RUM integrations or receiving daily performance updates in Slack or HipChat? Contact a friendly team member here.