Feature update: Filter inbound crash reports by error message, tag and user agent

| 2 min. (378 words)

We recently released the ability for Raygun Crash Reporting to custom filter inbound crash reports based on data that matched a certain rule. Until recently,  you were able to filter by:

  • IP address
  • Machine name
  • HTTP hostname
  • Versions

Today, I’m happy to introduce three new ways to filter inbound crash reports. These new filtering options are based on your feedback from our feature request forums:

  1. Filter by error message
  2. Filter by tag
  3. Filter by user agent

Let’s look at these in detail.

How to filter by error message

This filter works by matching your desired text to the error message in the raw payload users send in for crashes. It also searches the inner error:

Crashes are generally displayed on the dashboard as a combination of the error’s classname and message. This filter will also do the same by checking against these two properties as one. For example, the filter will test against ‘An error occurred’ followed by ‘ErrorClass: An error occurred’.

The same process is repeated for all ‘innerError‘ properties found within the raw payload.

To use this filter, select the ‘Filtering’ menu options underneath the ‘Crash Reports’ section in the sidebar.

You should see the new ‘Message’ tab available:

(A special thank you to Mariah for suggesting this addition!)

How to filter by tag

This filter works by matching the filter tag against the tags found in the raw payload users send in for crashes:

To use this filter, select the ‘Filtering’ menu options underneath the ‘Crash Reports’ section in the sidebar. You’ll see the  **‘**Tag’ tab available:

Tags can be specified when manually sending exceptions through to Raygun. Take a look at this article for more information about tags in Crash Reporting.

How to filter by user agent

This filter works by comparing your filter value to the text at ‘Request/Headers/User-Agent‘ in the raw payload sent in by users:

To use this filter, select the ‘Filtering’ menu options underneath the ‘Crash Reports’ section in the sidebar. You’ll see the  ‘User agent**‘** tab available:

More ways to filter inbound crash reports will be available soon (such as the ability to filter through Myadmin and error within version).

Need help or have questions about setting up inbound filtering in your app?

Contact a Raygun team member here.