Cross-platform mobile development with Uno Platform

| 6 min. (1223 words)

Xamarin has been a popular choice for cross-platform mobile development, but Microsoft’s shift to .NET MAUI has developers seeking alternatives. Uno Platform is an open-source .NET framework for building apps across mobile, desktop, web, and embedded devices.

Raygun CEO John-Daniel Trask interviewed Uno Platform’s Francois Tanguay and Sasha Krsmanovic on a recent Founder & Friends podcast. They discussed Uno Platform’s advantages over Xamarin and its productivity benefits.

This article summarizes their key insights for software developers and explains why the Uno Platform is a strong alternative for developers expanding their cross-platform capabilities.

What is the Uno Platform

Uno Platform is an open-source solution for building cross-platform applications. François, the co-founder of Uno Platform, explains, “Uno is an open-source platform to build cross-platform apps for mobile, desktop, web, and embedded devices using .NET. Everywhere .NET runs, Uno runs as well.”

Originally developed by a team deeply rooted in Microsoft’s ecosystem, Uno Platform allows developers to target platforms like iOS, Android, WebAssembly, Linux, and macOS. François adds, “Uno Platform was born from the need to create a UI framework that sits on top of .NET and helps developers build apps for platforms beyond mobile—like the web and desktop.”

The platform is known for its flexibility, developer-friendly tools, and the ability to reuse a single codebase across multiple platforms.

Why Uno is an excellent alternative to Xamarin

As Microsoft shifts from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI, many developers are exploring new options. Uno Platform offers several advantages over Xamarin, making it a strong alternative:

  1. Flexibility across platforms: Uno enables developers to target more platforms than Xamarin or .NET MAUI. From mobile devices to the web and even embedded systems, Uno Platform supports a wider range of environments, allowing developers to create apps beyond just mobile.

  2. High code reusability: Uno shares the same underlying technology stack as Xamarin, so developers familiar with C# and XAML can quickly transition to the Uno Platform. This familiarity enables Xamarin developers to keep using their existing skills while utilizing Uno Platform’s expanded platform support.

  3. Familiar tools and technology: Uno shares the same underlying technology stack as Xamarin, so developers already familiar with C# and XAML can quickly transition to the Uno Platform. This shared foundation allows Xamarin developers to continue using their existing skills while benefiting from Uno’s broader platform support.

How Uno Platform delivers performance and productivity

Performance is often a concern with cross-platform frameworks, and Uno Platform tackles this by offering a native-like experience across all platforms. François explained how Uno achieves native performance: “We’re sitting directly on top of the .NET runtime, which Microsoft has been optimizing significantly over the years. These optimizations give the Uno Platform the flexibility to deliver native performance without sacrificing speed.”

For those worried about performance trade-offs, Uno Platform’s ability to leverage native platform APIs ensures apps run smoothly on mobile, desktop, or web platforms.

Uno Platform boosts developer productivity with tools and features that simplify app development and maintenance across multiple platforms. François notes, “With the right tools and framework, you can make the developers you have more productive.” By enabling high code reuse and offering powerful development tools, Uno helps teams deliver apps faster without compromising quality.

Industry use case

Uno Platform has proven its ability to maximize code reuse without sacrificing performance in high-demand environments.

François cited an example from TradeZero, a stock trading application built with the Uno Platform. TradeZero relies heavily on performance, where milliseconds matter. The Uno Platform meets these performance demands without fail, demonstrating that cross-platform frameworks can indeed handle critical, time-sensitive tasks.

Moreover, Uno helps streamline the development process through innovations like built-in support for patterns such as Model-View-Update (MVU) and source generators that reduce the need for boilerplate code. These productivity-focused features allow developers to focus on building robust apps instead of spending time on repetitive coding tasks.

Other alternatives to Xamarin for cross-platform development

While Uno Platform is an excellent alternative for developers moving away from Xamarin, there are other frameworks worth considering:

  1. Flutter: Flutter, developed by Google, focuses on providing a high-performance, visually consistent UI across platforms. It’s known for its rich set of widgets but uses Dart instead of C#, which can present a learning curve for .NET developers.

  2. React Native: Facebook created React Native, and many developers widely adopted it for building mobile apps with JavaScript. It excels at targeting iOS and Android but supports fewer platforms than Uno Platform.

  3. Avalonia: Avalonia is another .NET-based framework primarily focused on desktop app development. While it doesn’t support mobile platforms as extensively as Uno, it’s a good choice for cross-platform desktop apps using XAML and .NET.

  4. .NET MAUI: As the successor to Xamarin.Forms, .NET MAUI offers a way to build mobile and desktop apps. However, developers may find Uno’s broader platform support more appealing if they target platforms like the web and embedded systems.

Check out our blog on alternatives to Xamarin, where we break down the pros and cons of each option. If you are having trouble deciding, you might also enjoy the conversation between Raygun CEO JD Trask and Xamarin expert Matthew Richardson, who discussed the best choices for Xamarin apps and developers in another Founder & Friends episode.

The importance of developer experience and community

A strong developer community is critical when choosing a cross-platform framework. As Sasha mentioned, “We’re creating spaces on GitHub, Discord, and other platforms where developers can share their experiences, contribute to the project, and find help when needed.”

The vibrant Uno Platform community helps the framework grow, and developers can contribute to the project, report bugs, or discuss new features on platforms like GitHub and Discord. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to cross-platform development, Uno Platform’s resources make it easy to get started.

For developers exploring the Uno Platform for the first time, the platform offers comprehensive documentation, ready-made samples, and step-by-step tutorials. These resources make onboarding smooth for those who are new to the framework or transitioning from Xamarin.

How to get started with the Uno Platform

Are you interested in trying the Uno Platform? The best way to start is by exploring the documentation and sample projects available. On the Uno Platform, you can access a wealth of resources that guide developers through building their first app for mobile, desktop, or web platforms.

To get started:

Why Uno Platform is a future-proof choice for cross-platform development

As cross-platform development grows, Uno Platform offers a unique combination of high performance, broad platform support, and a developer-friendly experience. Whether you’re moving on from Xamarin or exploring new tools, Uno Platform provides a reliable, efficient alternative for building modern apps.

During the podcast, François summarized the goal of Uno Platform well: “The goal of Uno Platform is to help developers be productive and create polished, performant apps without the limitations of a specific platform.”

For developers looking to stay ahead of the curve, Uno Platform is a solid choice worth exploring.

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