Raygun’s iOS crash reporter updated to v1.2

| 2 min. (224 words)

Got a quick announcement here to kick off the week – Raygun4iOS, our crash reporting solution for all iOS devices has been updated to version 1.2.

Download the new Raygun4iOS binary, or if you installed it using the CocoaPods package manager, update it by running

pod update

What’s new

A couple of the major changes:

  • Unique user tracking
  • Support pre-iOS 7 Base64 crash report encoding

There’s also a fix so that the version of the crash reporter is also transmitted, which will ensure legacy support in the future. For this reason this update is recommended.

The new unique user tracking feature means details about the affected user of the crash is transmitted to Raygun, where it’s visible on the dashboard. Each error group displays a count of affected users, and if you provide their email address (optional), displays their Gravatar as well. This feature is amazingly powerful for getting in touch with customers and rescuing them from disappointment.

New to iOS error tracking?

If you haven’t added the Raygun provider to your iOS app yet, log in or sign up now (no credit card needed) to discover how Raygun can make your life easier as a developer. It’ll result in more reliable code and happier users. Got any questions? Leave them below, check out our forums or send us an email. Until next time!