Integrating Raygun with Amazon SQS

| 3 min. (521 words)

Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) offers reliable and scalable hosted queues as a service. By leveraging SQS you can easily build integrations between your systems and/or third party systems and services.

As many of our customers use Amazon Web Services as part of their systems we are now pleased to announce support for Crash Reporting notifications to be raised to an Amazon SQS queue to allow you to perform subsequent processing to integrate these notifications with your existing systems or processes, or to allow you to develop a custom notification integration with Raygun similar to our existing Webhook integration.

Getting started

The first thing we need to do is to configure a queue in Amazon SQS that will be the target for our notifications. You can create a new queue from the AWS Management Console for SQS. Here is an example of a queue we created.

As Raygun will receive error payloads up to 128KB in size we recommend you use the 256K maximum message size default to avoid any data truncation occurring from a 128KB message and the surrounding metadata we deliver in the notification payloads.

The next step is to create an access key with rights to the queue that you have configured. We recommend you create a new IAM based user which only has read/write permissions to the queue that you have created. This gives least privilage rights to that user account and allows you to specifically manage access rights for the key that you will need to supply to Raygun for this integration. You can find an example of a specific rights policy for SQS in the Amazon documentation.

Configuring the integration

To enable the integration with Amazon SQS in Raygun, select the Integrations link on the sidebar and then select Amazon SQS.

On the Setup tab you will need to supply the Queue URL which you can find under the details for your queue in the AWS Console for SQS, the Access Key and Secret Key which gives access rights to the queue. If you followed the instructions above you will want to generate a new access key for your IAM user which will give you the access key and secret key details you will need to supply here.

Lastly you will need to supply a region identifier. You can find a list of the valid region codes in the Amazon SQS documentation. The default region is US East (North Virginia). Once you have configured the required details you can check the Enabled checkbox and then click Save Changes.

When will I receive a notification?

Raygun will send notifications to you when the following happens:

  • A new error has occurred
  • Error reoccured after being resolved or ignored
  • Error still occurring 1, 5, 10, 30, 60 minute/s later

More information

You can find more information about our Amazon SQS integration in the documentation section. The documentation also contains an example payload which you can use to understand what we will be delivering to you. The details for the crash reporting error payloads that accompany the notification details can be found as part of our API documentation.